Honoring Alameda County Healthcare Heroes


Alameda County has lost two of its biggest Healthcare Heroes with the recent passing of both Gail Steele, former Alameda Supervisor, and Dr. Bertram Lubin, former President & CEO of Oakland’s Benioff Children’s Hospital. Both were outstanding advocates for the citizens of Alameda County, and we at Telecare honor their contributions and are deeply saddened by their passing.

Former Alameda County Supervisor, Gail Steele, was an unwavering advocate for children and those who are most vulnerable, including many of those we serve at Telecare. She became a towering figure in the East Bay political landscape, including serving for 18 years on the Alameda County Board of Supervisors. She relentlessly campaigned for improved mental health services, juvenile justice reform and more access to healthcare for the county's residents, especially the poor. She became a close partner with Â¥·ï¸ó over the years, and we valued her trust and support. Her influence was felt deeply in the way we provide services to Alameda County.

Dr. Bertram Lubin, former President and CEO of UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital in Oakland, was also an ardent supporter of children's health and wellbeing as a physician and a hospital leader, and had a huge impact on countless children and adults. In his more recent role as CEO of Oakland's Children’s Hospital, he worked to build awareness of the need for greater behavioral health services for kids. His tremendous optimism, humility, and empathy, along with his energy and vitality, made him a magnetic and inspirational figure to us at Telecare as we developed our services to Transitional Age Youth and children. His dedication to the children and people of Oakland will be enormously missed.

We thank these Healthcare Heroes, and offer our deepest gratitude for their leadership.