At Telecare, there are thousands of stories of growth and recovery, each one unique, powerful, and full of inspiration. Here are just a few...

I just wanted to say thank you. Thirty days ago, I came here broken, hopeless, and lost. I really thought I would never find my way back. You have all helped me in so many ways. I leave here loving myself with a genuinely happy and hopeful heart. I am still a work in progress but thank you for being such a huge part and the beginning of my recovery journey that will lead me where I want to go.
— Client, San Bernardino
Be it known that miracles have happened in my son‘s life after three months with ¥. I can use no other word to describe what is happening in his life.
— Family Member
I really like seeing a little bit of hope in a member’s eyes when I tell them, ‘We are not going to quit on you. Even if you don’t pick up the phone, even if you don’t answer the door, we are going to keep coming after you until you talk to us because we don’t quit. ¥ is different.’
— Cassandra, ¥ Staff Member with Lived Experience
This place showed me that I was loved the way I wanted to be loved, that I could be grateful. Instead of getting “out of the way,” I can now “enjoy the ride” with my family. The peer support staff told me their stories and gave me a lot of hope.
— Former Client, Lagos CRT
They got me off the streets. They made it easier for me to live, breathe, eat, and stay clean. Without them, I’d be waiting somewhere, waiting for someone to give me a chance to live. But hope is strong. Hope is real. As long as you want it, you can get it. It’s really hard to come by, but once you make a smart decision, you’re able to get into a hopeful situation, and when you’re hopeful, you make hopeful decisions. And usually, when you have a lot of hope in your heart, good things happen.
— Client, Mission Possible, Orange County
Your entire staff in San Diego County are the most compassionate, intelligent professional people our family has encountered in the too many years we as parents of a mentally unstable adult have met. We thank every person we even briefly talked to on our son’s behalf. You accepted him. THANK YOU for that. Your positive, sacrificial, professional ‘coaching’ will always be a golden memory. Thank you IHOT San Diego County.
— San Diego IHOT Family Member
Working for ¥ has given me an opportunity to be a part of an ACT program, where I get to work in the community that I was raised in. My biggest joy is helping others who had the same struggles I overcame. The work I do has allowed me to give back to my community and use my past living experiences to help others to become the best person they can be.
— Rayzhone, ¥ Staff Member with Lived Experience