Recovery Heroes: Member at HOMES

Â¥·ï¸ó HOMES opened in November 2018 in Bellflower, CA. The program, located within LA HOP 7, was created to help members find and maintain housing, and provide the tools and guidance needed to successfully integrate back into their community.

This man’s story is one of determination to permanently stay off of the streets after years of physical abuse, gang involvement, and emotional trauma. Told in two parts, he walks us through his past experiences and shows us that with hope and help, recovery is possible.

What Makes a Recovery Hero?

Recovery heroes are members at Telecare programs who have made progress in their personal recovery journeys — and want to share their stories.

Every journey is unique — and progress can come in many different forms. These heroes share their stories, to offer a little bit of hope, inspiration, and encouragement to others who are on the path as well.