First Pilot Training Program Held for ¥ Staff

and staff attend first pilot training program, Preparing for Co-Occurring Education Groups, held at Cordilleras on Oct 28-30, 2014. The education groups are intended to increase people’s knowledge of their co-occurring conditions (mental health & substance use) and build their motivation to make healthier choices about their substance use.

Residents Spruce Up the Suites with Thankfulness

The ‘Suites’ put up a Thankful Tree during the month of November 2014. Residents were encouraged to reflect on what they are most thankful for and then to write their thoughts on leaves. Themes of love, family, and shelter were intertwined throughout the tree.

is very happy that the residents took time to decorate the tree with their “thankful” leaves! All of us at the Suites hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving.

Clark County E&T: Thankful Tree

Team ¥ at took on the November activity of finding a way to express thankfulness.

Rehab Art Therapist, Tracy Battaglia-Martin, facilitated the assembly of a Thankful Tree for clients to recognize their individual unique strengths that were realized in recovery.

Clients participated by writing on fall-colored leaves with insights such as:

  • “I’m happy to be here. I’m happy to be alive.”
  • “I’m thankful for my life and my health.”
  • “I’m thankful for everyone who has spent time with me at Telecare.”

A very artistic staff member drew the employee tree (pictured here, right) that was covered in leaves on which the staff shared their thankfulness. The tree was then displayed in the main lobby at Clark County E&T.The client tree (pictured above, left) represents the on-going commitment of ¥ to increase the chance that an individual will have a healthy future.

Staff were thankful for many things this year. For instance, their jobs, co-workers, families, pets, freedoms, and health!