PNW N95 Fit-Testing SWAT Team Training!

In response to the overwhelming need for N95 fit-testers, several “SWAT” teams have been formed throughout Telecare to make sure program staff can get fit-tested to properly wear N95 masks in the case of a COVID-19 outbreak.

The Pacific Northwest Team is currently comprised of Holly Borso, Director of Speciality Populations; Tyvonne Berring, Regional Director; Melinda Howard, Regional Director, Toby Estler, Administrator at Pierce County Peer Bridger and ¥ Community Alternative Teams; and Daphne Phillips, Communication and Engagement Manager.

These five intrepid SWAT-team members gathered in Olympia, Washington on Tuesday, February 17, to perform strange outer-space scientific experiments… er, learn how to fit-test N95 masks!

The team had a lot of fun learning to use the equipment and how to go through all the steps needed to properly fit-test staff. After practicing several times, they fit-tested a few staff at Thurston-Mason E&T!

Way to go, team ¥!