Sierra Vista ACT Member Kaos Emslie’s Success Through Writing

Tricia Foster, the administrator at Telecare's Sierra Vista Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) and Yuma ACT program, wanted to share recognition for one of its Sierra Vista ACT members, Kaos Emslie.

Kaos is dedicated to honing her writing craft in collaboration with the Sierra Vista team. She has been devoting significant energy and effort to this endeavor as it serves as an effective strategy for managing her symptoms. Kaos has successfully self-published six books, with her . As a result of her journey, Kaos has dreams of attending higher education and pursuing a career as an editor.

In this journey, Kaos has connected with her local public library over the past few months and joined the local writer's group. She supplied a copy of her most recent release to the library and local bookstore. Kaos made a great impact when she recently joined the Sierra Vista team at a community event, selling multiple books to attendees.

On May 20, 2023, she will join Sierra Vista's (NAMI) booth and share her experiences using to manage her mental health. NAMI is an organization for individuals and families affected by mental health conditions. They offer support, education, and advocacy for mental health awareness and treatment. It is thrilling to see Sierra Vista and Yuma ACT joining forces with groups like NAMI when they have a shared mission of providing the highest quality care to those with mental health needs.

Writing has been for individuals with mental health conditions. It provides a way to express emotions, thoughts, and experiences safely and creatively. Writing can also improve cognitive functioning, increase self-awareness, and decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Learning to adopt healthy coping mechanisms is crucial for mental health recovery. Programs like Â¥·ï¸ó's Sierra Vista and Yuma ACT provide resources and support for individuals to develop these skills.

Kaos Emslie's journey is an inspiring example of the positive impact that writing can have on mental health. Her dedication to improving her writing skills and sharing her experiences is commendable. We praise the Sierra Vista ACT program for its commitment to Â¥·ï¸ó's mission of mental health recovery.