A Letter From Merrill CSU Client's Mother

Merrill Center CSU's administrator, Lisa Hecker, received a touching letter from a client's mother over the holidays. The letter was a reminder that all the little things everyone at Telecare does make a difference. It's something to remember as we go about our work. 

Read the following note below from the client's mother: 

Dear Lisa,

I wanted to give accolades to the staff at the Merrill Center. They cared and advocated for my son this week.

It has been a roller coaster this year with his mental health and his recent release from the psychiatric hospital. I had given up hope.

I appreciate the efforts you all made on behalf of my son. My brother spoke with him this evening, and my son is at the STAY.

I know this isn't the end of the story, but it has given me hope. It has also given me a much-needed mental break knowing that others besides myself were trying to help him.

I can't adequately word what I am feeling in my heart. I wish I could express my gratitude and appreciation more eloquently.

Please let Dani, Brook, Tim, Lauren, Jenny, and Patricia know their efforts did not go to waste.

I'm fully aware that mental illness is a lifelong battle and that this is likely not the end, but I'm finally hopeful that this might be the beginning of something good for my son.

Thank you to the Merrill Center CSU team for all your hard work. Lisa extends her gratitude to Karina, Lauren, Brooke, Danielle, Tim, Patty, and Jenny for their excellent effort. The client's mother remembers every conversation and is grateful for the care and engagement she received from everyone. She commends the whole team for their excellent work, especially the unit clerks Jenny and Patty, for receiving her calls and the clinicians, intern Tim included, for providing updates on treatment efforts. 

Â¥·ï¸ó is proud of the accomplishments our programs strive towards every day to make a difference in the lives of those we serve. Merrill Center CSU staff are some of the most wonderful; we're grateful for their efforts.