Leader Bio: Adam Olives

My name is Adam Olive (He/Him/His).

I am the Program Administrator at the English Hills Community Crisis Home. I’ve been at Telecare for five months.

In my view, the best part of my job is interacting with our residents every day. I love getting to be a part of their lives.

What makes me really proud of my team and our work is when I see everyone come together and operate to our full potential in the stressful situations that sometimes pop up in a community crisis home. It reaffirms that we are capable of handling difficult work.

When I’m having a tough day, the thing that keeps me going is the connection I have with the residents and our team.

My favorite quote or personal motto is, “A failure is not always a mistake. It may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying.” —BF Skinner

If I were going to describe ¥ in three words, they would be “invested in others.”

Thank you for letting us get to know you, Adam! We are so glad to have you as part of #Team¥!