Orange County AOT Peer Staff Represent Telecare at Unlocking Stigma Fair 2022

The unseasonably hot temperatures couldn’t keep peer staff at Orange County AOT from representing Â¥·ï¸ó this year at the seventh Fair in Santa Ana, CA, on May 14. Unlocking Stigma Fair is a free, one-day mental health resource event that focuses on educating the public on mental health and making services accessible by connecting everyone to different resources in the community.

Peer Professionals Lori Fischer and Lei Portugal Calloway shared program and service brochures, offered recruitment flyers, and gave out candy and baby bottles of bubbles.

Free to vendors and participants, the event was held at the beautiful Bowers Museum courtyard, where community partners gathered to share resources in support of May Mental Health Awareness Month. There were fun games, raffle prizes, live performances, and plenty of swag giveaways. The event was sponsored by the , which showcased Virtual Reality (VR) therapy, and was supported by a variety of vendors.