Santa Clara Justice-Involved SUTS at Muriel Wright

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Working in partnership with , ¥’s Muriel Wright and SUTS programs were designed to combine substance use treatment and mental health support in a beautiful, calming space high above the bustling city below. Clients frequently tell us they feel good just being in this location.

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Muriel Wright SUTS

The serves people who are leaving the criminal justice system and are in need of substance use disorder or co-occurring disorder services.

Staff and clients work hard together to create a sense of “brotherhood” among the all-male client population. New clients work with a senior client 'big brother' to create a sense of welcome and family. Cultivating this sense of a loving brotherhood among men who have been in and out of jail a good deal of their lives is particularly powerful.

“The hospitality and love shown here is amazing. You guys gave me tools I never had before, including support and trust that my own family couldn’t give me. The gifts I’ve been given are priceless; the best part is that they are gifts I can pass along to others in need. I give thanks for the band of brothers I’ve been blessed with.”
— Fernando, former Muriel Wright SUTS client
Being here (at the SUTS program) makes it easy to remember that the patients you see are people with lives... that they are more than just a problem to treat, but a person seeking help.
— Michael, nursing student

Muriel Wright CRT

The provides a hospital alternative for people who are involved with the justice system and are also experiencing a psychiatric emergency. The core of the program is the “Stages of Change” treatment model (Pre-contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance). Program staff work hard to find creative ways to meet people’s needs, especially on-staff peer counselors, who provide the invaluable support of someone who's 'been there.'

I loved the vulnerability I saw in these counselors because they never hid behind certificates or degrees, they were transparent, nobody better than any other. Just human beings willing to learn something new every day. We all remained teachable and in doing so, created a community.
— Richard, former CRT client, now peer counselor at Muriel Wright CRT
The friendships I have made have been very powerful. I got to know different people from different backgrounds and lifestyles. Staff members helped me get to the next level.
— Jeremy, former Muriel Wright CRT client

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