Standing Together to Build a Better Future

At its core, Â¥·ï¸ó believes in dignity and respect. We believe in humility and diversity. We believe in growth, uniqueness, potential, and kindness.

We also know that power-over systems exist. And it is our job to help change these systems —and to create environments where we can work side by side toward a better and more positive future, both locally through our service, and nationally through our advocacy.

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While we all profoundly feel the suffering and loss related to
COVID-19, it is loss which is disproportionately affecting those who are Black, indigenous, people of color, and poor. We are sickened by the racist killings of recent weeks and understand the added outrage at a system where racially motivated violence and police brutality goes unchecked. Unrestrained violence at the hands of police or civilians requires all our society’s urgent attention and condemnation.

Let us all take special care right now to acknowledge the devastating death of George Floyd and say his name aloud. But let’s not forget the countless others who have paid the highest price. According to Rutgers University Sociologist Frank Edwards, one out of every 1,000 Black men in America will be killed by a police officer. This makes them two and half times more likely than white men to die during encounters with officers. Less noticed by the mainstream media but equally important to elevate are Black women, gender non-conforming and trans people who have been murdered in recent weeks and months.

By standing up and standing together with respect and humility, we can make a difference. By listening and learning, we can foster awareness and compassion. By advocating and holding accountable, we can dismantle old systems and rebuild from a new foundation. By being humble and kind, we can help each other through this incredibly disheartening time.

There are also a number of petition and donation sites where we can join with others and offer support:

  • Black Lives Matter

  • Petition for George Floyd

  • Go Fund Me for George Floyd’s Funeral Expenses

We are pained and saddened by the death of George Floyd. Let us work together — with dignity and respect — to turn this terrible tragedy into a platform for a more just and compassionate future.

—¥·ï¸ó Executive Team