SOAR Gets Spirited!

By Kezzia Bullen
Clinical Director at SOAR

has some very spirited team members and we like to have spirit week (yes, like in high school) a few times a year. We have a theme each week and one of them was celebrating Â¥·ï¸ó’s 50th year anniversary! We all love to eat and we have a themed potluck each day of the week too. We know that working in this field is very stressful and is often not immediately rewarding (and can take a lot of energy.) So, we like to make things fun whenever we can–often it’s all that gets us through on really tough days.

A special thank you to Bisa and Sheila for their spirit leadership. Bisa made all the props and decorations each day; THANK YOU!  Everyone on the SOAR team participated and chipped in for a fun and food filled week. I feel incredibly lucky to work with this work family.