September is National Recovery Month

During September, Â¥·ï¸ó joins  (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) in celebrating .

Recovery is a unique process of change for individuals and can truly only be defined by each person themselves. Recovery for one person may be just a piece of the process for someone else. This year, the theme of National Recovery Month is Join the Voices for Recovery: Speak Up, Reach Out â€” encouraging people to speak openly and frankly about mental health and substance use disorders, as well as the reality of recovery, and also raising awareness for the many ways that individuals can use to recognize behavioral health issues and reach out for help.

Â¥·ï¸ó was founded on the belief that rehabilitation and recovery from serious mental illness are possible, and that people can recover their hopes, dreams, and life roles.

We encourage you to explore the National Recovery Month website, where you can share your voice and tell your story. Through the sharing of stories, people are able to see that recovery is possible.

Your stories are important to us and we’d love to hear them. To submit your story in writing or on video, to be shared internally at Telecare, please send an email to Daphne Phillips at We look forward to featuring your stories on this blog and in our newsletter in the weeks to come!