Vaccine Outreach

Staff may use these COVID-19 vaccine education materials during a group or a one-on-one session to engage and educate people so they can make an informed decision about COVID-19 vaccination and take appropriate next steps.



Staff can use this information/page to help clients better understand and prepare for vaccination, and take steps to get vaccines when eligible.

Staff can use materials in a single 1x1 meeting or a single group session.


  • (CDC handout, multiple languages available)    |  |  |  |  |  |  | 

  • Additional Resources for Staff:

Start Here: Facilitation Guide

Review the facilitation guide prior to starting the conversation or holding a group. The videos are below, handouts are to the left.


Videos to Use with Facilitation Guide

Use with handout: “People with Certain Medical Conditions
Are At Increased Risk”

  • Washington State Department of Health: (1 minute)

Use with the handout: COVID Informational Flyer for Clients

Use with handouts: 1) Importance Ruler, 2) Pros and Cons Worksheet, 3) Vaccine Access and Support Form, 4) Physician’s Letter

  • (7:30 minutes)